Health Haven with Jazmyne
Welcome to the first post of Health Haven! My name is Jazmyne Boyd, and I am a public health fellow at WNC Bridge Foundation. I graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in public health. I am very excited to share my knowledge and passion for bettering health in our communities!
How much does your health matter to you? Over the coming months, I’ll share insights from the Green and Healthy Homes Initiative (GHHI) on the “8 Elements of a Green and Healthy Home.” GHHI aims to enhance health, equity, and opportunity through safe, energy-efficient homes. For more information, visit 8 Elements of a Green and Healthy Home. GHHI promotes a “whole-house strategy”, and the two elements we will briefly discuss today are Dry and Clean.
Maintaining a Dry home involves preventing leaks, managing drainage, and checking plumbing to reduce moisture that causes mold growth—especially in warm, humid areas like bathrooms and basements. Exposure to mold indoors can trigger respiratory issues and worsen asthma symptoms. Cleaning mold with soap and water is effective for hard surfaces, while soft surfaces such as carpet or furniture may need to be thrown away. When cleaning mold, protect yourself with gloves and a face covering.
The Clean element emphasizes controlling dust, maintaining clutter-free spaces, and using low-Volatile Organic Compound or Volatile Organic Compound (VOCs)-free cleaning products like Seventh Generation or Method to reduce health risks associated with traditional cleaners. VOCs, found in many household items, can cause short-term irritation and long-term health issues such as increasing the risk of cancer, liver & kidney damage and central nervous system damage. To learn more about VOCs, visit Volatile Organic Compounds (GHHI). When using these products, you can improve indoor air quality by ventilating spaces and following safety guidelines on product labels.
I hope that this information was helpful and that it may help you, a neighbor, or a friend’s home a health haven! Thank you!