Community Initiatives Request Form

About our 5 Community Initiatives

WNC Bridge Foundation raises funds to support programs that connect individuals in our community with essential resources. Unlike our grants, which are funded through endowment investments, our 5 Community Initiatives: Children Services Fund, Health Scholarships, Rathbun House, WNC Greatest Needs Fund, and You’re Special Fund, rely on the generous support of individuals who donate money and support our fundraising efforts.

Instructions to Apply for Community Initiative Support

Our 5 Community Initiatives are available to assist any individual living in the 18 counties of Western North Carolina. An individual is eligible for consideration once a year. WNC Bridge will decide which initiative best suits the individual’s needs.

  • Request Form must be completed by a case manager, clinician, or social worker. Individuals should not complete/submit the form.
  • Completed request forms should be emailed to
  • For equipment ordered through Amazon, please include the link in the email addressed to
  • When using another vendor for specialized equipment or service, the requestor must include a quote from the vendor and include the vendor’s W9.
  • When service requires work being done on property, the requestor must include a Certificate of Insurance for the vendor.
  • Requests should be kept under $1,000. Special requests will be considered.

A WNC Bridge Foundation staff member will contact the vendor to obtain an invoice. These items must be submitted by Monday for a check to be sent to the vendor the same week. The requestor (case manager, clinician, or social worker) can fax the form along with the vendor quote to 828.277.4814 or send it as an attachment to request@wncbridge.orgWNC Bridge will provide an update regarding the request within 48 hours of receiving the form. 

Consent Form

The Consent Form is not mandatory. It is meant for anyone that is willing to share a quote and/or photo for WNC Bridge publications.